Cyber Security Awareness Tips to
Stay Safe Online, to protect your data, and be vigilant.
Let’s make the Internet a safer place together.
Be CyberSmart!
Please follow cyber safety tips –
Kotapride Digital Kota request all internet users to follow safety tips while surfing online.
Cyber Security and Safety Tips to develop awareness for Internet users on safeguarding against cyber attacks, frauds and cyber crimes.
Request –
“Encourage everyone to use internet safely”
Please follow cyber safety tips to enjoy safe Internet.
Internet safety tips for children-
• Never talk to strangers on the Internet
• Never agree to meet anyone in person that you’ve met online without parent approval and/or supervision
• Never visit a chat room without an adult’s / parent’s permission
• Never give anyone your password, name, address, the name of your school or any information about our family
• Don’t stay online if you see something you think your parents won’t like
• Don’t post pictures of yourself without your parents’ permission
• Do not download or install anything on your computer without your parents’ permission
• If you have any questions about something you read, ask your parent or guardian
• If you are talking to someone online and he/she make you uncomfortable, contact your parent immediately and stop the conversation.
Internet Safety tips for Parents –
• Encourage your child to come to you if anything disturbs or frightens him/her online
• Be watchful of your child’s online activity and his/her behaviour
• Encourage your child to be careful & cautious when disclosing personal information
• Teach your child how to evaluate the authenticity of information online
• Teach children how to keep information private while online.
• Make the child aware that what goes online stays there forever so please don’t share personal information.
Few safety tips while using social media platforms.
• Enable strong privacy settings of all your social media accounts
• Use strong passwords for all your accounts.
• Do not share personal information with anyone
• Be cautious before accepting friend requests from strangers/ unknown people
• Be attentive while clicking on unverified links
Thankful and Regards
Kota pride
Special Note :
If you are a victim of cybercrime, register your complaint at
Update your internet safety skills and experience Best Digital life.
Thankful and grateful to all internet users.
Kotapride Digital team
Sunil Chawla
Let’s make a cyber safe future through Cyber Awareness.
Today we pledge to stay cyber-safe and help others be cyber-safe.
“आओ, बनाएं साइबर सुरक्षित भविष्य – साइबर जागरूकता
हम साइबर-सुरक्षित रहने और दूसरों को साइबर-सुरक्षित होने में सहायता करने का संकल्प लें।
The 1st Wednesday of the month is Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas. Spread awareness on Cyber Hygiene &
Cyber Safety, आइए साइबर स्वच्छता और साइबर सुरक्षा प्रसार करें
Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas
An effort towards preventing cyber-crimes and to generate sustained awareness among public.
Keep a long, strong and unique password to make it powerful and StaySafeOnline
Dial1930 in case of online financial fraud and to report any cybercrime, log onto